埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科 数理電子情報部門情報領域


Upcoming events

  • Three presenataions are planned at GISA 2024.
  • One presentation is planned at ForestSat in Sep. 2024.
  • We are going to exhibit our street-level image analysis technique at Innovation Japan on 22-23 Aug 2024 at Tokyo Bigsight.


  • 20 Jul. 2024. An invited lecture was delivered at Kyushu GIS research group.

  • 12 Jul. 2024. We have two presentations sucessfully at IGARSS2024.

  • 30 May. 2024. Two students were sucessfully presented at JpGU.

  • 24 Apr. 2024. A new paper has been published in Ecological Research! Tsutsumida, N., Zhao, J., Shibuya, N., Nasahara, K., Tadono, T., (2024) Investigating the use of deep learning models for land cover classification from street-level imagery. Ecol. Res. https://doi.org/10.1111/1440-1703.12470

  • 20 Mar. 2024. One presentation was conducted at ESJ.

  • 15 Feb. 2024. Two presentations at CEReS symposium, Chiba University.

  • 7 Feb. 2024. A new paper is out! Shin, N., Saitoh, T. M., Tsutsumida, N. (2024) Retrieval of cherry flowering phenology on Flickr and YouTube: a case study along the Tarumi railway, Gifu, Japan. Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism, https://doi.org/3.10.3389/frsut.2024.1280685.

  • 11-15 Dec. 2023. We successfuly presented two posters at AGU 2023.

  • 29 Oct. 2023. We successfully delivered four presentations at the GISA conference. Huang, a graduate student, received the presentation award! M2黄さんが第32回地理情報システム学会 学術研究発表大会にて大会優秀発表賞を受賞しました🎉

  • 17 Oct. 2023. Our new paper is out! This is one of the achievements of BRIDGE program. Comber A. and Tsutsumida N. (2023) Geographically weighted accuracy for hard and soft land cover classifications: 5 approaches with coded illustrations, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 6233-625, https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2023.2264503.

  • 28 Sep. 2023. Our new paper is out!
    Tsutsumida N. and Funada S. (2023) Mapping cherry blossom phenology using a semi-automatic observation system with street level photos, Ecological Informatics, 102314. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102314, プレスリリース

  • 26 Sep. 2023. One phd student has joined our group!

  • 25 Jul. 2023. A new proposal is accepted for real-time disaster monitoring.

  • 16-21 Jul. 2023. We delivered one oral and two poster presentations at IGARSS 2023.

  • 14 Jun. 2023. A preprint paper is out!
    Doi H., Osawa T., Tsutsumida N. The role of large language models in ecology and biodiversity conservation: Opportunities and Challenges, Authorea. June 12, 2023.

  • 25 May 2023. Huang, a grad student, had a poster presentation at JpGU.

  • 17 May 2023 [new publication] A paper is out in IJGIS!
    Murakami D., Tsutsumida N., Yoshida T., Nakaya T., Lu B., Harris P. (2023) A linearization for stable and fast geographically weighted Poisson regression, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2023.2209811

  • 11 Apr. 2023. We organized a special lecture by prof. Lex Comber (Univ. of Leeds).

  • 4 Apr. 2023. New members join!

  • 16 Mar. 2023. We welcome Prof. Lex Comber as a guest researcher in our lab. He stays one month to collaborate a spatial modeling research.

  • 10 Mar. 2023. [new publication] A paper is out in Scientific Reports!
    Osawa, T., Tsutsumida, N., Iijima, H. et al. Prediction of the visit and occupy of the sika deer (Cervus nippon) during the summer season using a virtual ecological approach (2023) Sci Rep 13, 4007. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-31269-5.

  • 9 Mar. 2023. Five new undergrad students join our lab!

  • 28 Feb. 2023 [new publication] A paper is out in Sustainability!
    Thongrueang, N., Tsutsumida, N., Nakaya, T. (2023) The Impact of Changes in Anthropogenic Activity Caused by COVID-19 Lockdown on Reducing Nitrogen Dioxide Levels in Thailand Using Nighttime Light Intensity. Sustainability, 15, 4296.

  • 22 Feb. 2023 [new publication] A paper is out in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change!
    N. Shin et al., (2023) Perspective: Improving the accuracy of plant phenology observations and land-cover and land-use detection by optical satellite remote-sensing in the Asian tropics, Front. For. Glob. Chang.

  • 1st Dec. 2022 [new publication] A paper is out in Urban Ecosystems!
    Ohata S., Osawa T., Sato N., Tsutsumida N. (2022) Large, concealed islands in the urban sea: Scattered surrounding green space enhances the quality of grassland habitats in urban parks, Tokyo, Urban Ecosystems.

    • 18 Nov. 2022 We had a pitch at CSIS DAYS 2022 organized by UTokyo and got a presentation award!
      堤田成政, Joseph Percival, 吉田崇紘, 村上大輔, 中谷友樹. 探索的空間データ解析のためのインタラクティブ空間相関マッピング,CSIS DAYS2022, オンライン.

    • 29 Oct. 2022 We had an oral presentation (in Japanese) at GISA conference about the analysis of multi-dimensional composite index from multivariate spatial data.
      堤田成政, 村上大輔, 吉田崇紘, 中谷友樹(2022) 多変量地理空間データからの総合指標作成手法の比較, 第31回 地理情報システム学会 学術研究発表大会

    • 21 Oct. 2022 The presentation and panel discussion at the National Geographic session in Science Agora.
      Tsutsumida N. (2022) Social Sensing: An important research resource.

    • 5 Oct. 2022 We had a poster presentation at Geo for Good 2022 at Google (virtual event).
      Tsutsumida N. and Mochizuki R. (2022) Uncertain Vegetation Trends by Index Selections.

    • 23 Aug. 2022 [new publication] Three conference papers are out.
      Tsutsumida N. et al (2022) A Comparison of Geographically Weighted Principal Components Analysis Methodologies;
      Murakami et al. (2022) Large-Scale Spatial Prediction by Scalable Geographically Weighted Regression: Comparative Study;
      Comber A. et al (2022) Geographically Varying Coefficient Regression: GWR-Exit and GAM-On?.
      We will have preseentations at COSIT2022 in 5-9 Sep.

    • 22 Aug. 2022 [new publication] Tsutsumida N. (2022) Spatial interpolation by a geographically weighted method at ESTRELA No. 341 (in Japanese)

    • 21 July. 2022. [new publication] Shin et al., (2022) Monitoring of cherry flowering phenology with Google Trends, PLoS ONE 17(7): e0271648.

    • 21 July. 2022. Two presentations have been done in IGARSS2022: Funada and Tsutsumida. Mapping cherry blossoms from geotagged street-level photos (poster); Tsutsumida N., Zhao J., Nasahara K., and Tadono T. Land cover classification from street-level photos.

    • 30 June 2022. The ROIS-DS project: Geospatial modeling focusing on spatial unit and spatial scale has been extended.

    • 10 May 2022. Proposed two presentations have been accepted in COSIT2022.

    • 6 May 2022. [new publication] Percival, Tsutsumida, Murakami, Yoshida, and Nakaya (2022) gwpcorMapper: an interactive mapping tool for exploring geographically weighted correlation and partial correlation in high-dimensional geospatial datasets has been accepted in Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis. The R package, gwpcormapper, is available on CRAN.

    • 22 Apr. 2022. [new publication] Tsutsumida, Shin, and Miura (2022) Evaluation of Land Surface Phenology for Autumn Leaf Color Change Based on Citizen Reports across Japan has been published in Remote Sensing.

    • 5 Apr. 2022. Two presentations have been accepted in IGARSS2022.

    • 1 Apr. 2022. Two postgraduate students are joined.

    • 17Mar. 2022. Discussions on Ecological studies by open science and citizen science approaches was held on ESJ69.

    • 15 Mar. 2022. A poster was presented on ESJ69 (Funada and Tsutsumida, 2022).

    • 11 Mar. 2022. ‘Integration of multiscale and multiangle remote sensing data’ was presented on act-x annual meeting.

    • 8 Mar. 2022. 5 undergrad students have been joined.

    • 24 Jan. 2022. A lecture was delivered at Kasukabe Girls’ senior high school.

    • 22 Jan. 2022. [new publication] A preprint Mapping cherry blossoms from geotagged street-level photos is appeared at bioRxiv.

    • 18 Jan. 2022. [new publication] Doi, Osawa, and Tsutsumida (2022) Assessing the potential repercussions of the COVID‑19 pandemic on global SDG attainment in Discover Sustainability. We demonstrated comprehensive analyses of the impact of lockdown toward SDG’s achievement.

    • 17 Jan. 2022. [new publication] Tsutsumida (2022) Teaching reproducible Geocomputation Online, Theory and Application of GIS.

    • 17 Dec. 2021. AGU Fall meeting 2021で発表を行いました(Tsutsumida et al.)。

    • 31 Oct. 2021. 第30回地理情報システム学会研究発表大会で4件の関連研究を発表しました(堤田ら、村上ら、吉田ら、Thongrueang et al.)。

    • 1 Oct. 2021. 10月29日に日本写真測量学会関西支部にて「土地被覆分類データの空間精度・空間誤差」を講演します。

    • 29 Sep. 2021. Murakami et al., Yoshida et al.をGIScience2021にて発表しました。

    • 28 Sep. 2021. Kato and Tsutsumidaをsilvilaserにて発表しました。

    • 21 Sep. 2021. Act-xに採択されました。

    • 18 Sep. 2021. 科学者の芽(HiGEPS)にて高校生向けの講義を担当しました。

    • 15 Sep. 2021. Nagai et al.がFrontiers in Forests and Global Changeにアクセプトされました。

    • 27 Jul. 2021. 千葉大環境リモートセンシング研究センターの共同利用研究「長期全球観測衛星画像データをもちいた土地被覆変動の解明」が採択されました。

    • 1 Jul. 2021. 情報・システム研究機構 データサイエンス共同利用基盤施設(ROIS-DS)共同研究「空間集計単位と空間スケールに着目した地理空間モデリング」が採択されました。

    • 26 May. 2021. GIS-理論と応用 より展望論文「地理的加重法の研究動向と今後の展望」が発表されました。

    • 7 Apr. 2021. R CRANにて gwpcormapper を公開しました。

    • 1 Apr. 2021. 事務補佐員1名が加わり、研究室メンバーは計6名となりました。

    • 31 Mar. 2021. 「地理的加重法の研究動向と今後の展望」が「GIS-理論と応用」に採択されました。

    • 9 Mar. 2021. 3年生4名が配属されました。/ 4 undergraduate students are joined.

    • 18 Feb. 2021. 千葉大学CEReS環境リモートセンシングシンポジウムでポスター発表を行います。

    • 5 Feb. 2021. 情報・システム研究機構 データサイエンス共同利用基盤施設(ROIS-DS)にて「地理的加重モデルの開発と空間データ解析」の講演を行います。

    • 6 Jan 2021. 当研究室を開設しました。/ The GISci lab at Saitama University is newly opend.